BENDIX TRANSPORT DANMARK A/S is a member of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders. All services rendered are subject to the General Conditions of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders (NSAB 2015).
As contracting party cf. § 3 B the conditions limits the freight forwarder’s liability for loss of, deterioration of, or damage to goods to SDR 8.33 per kilo and for delay to the amount of the freight, and for all other loss to SDR 100,000 in respect of each assignment (§ 21). As intermediary cf. § 3 C the freight forwarder’s liability is limited to SDR 50,000 in respect of each assignment and totally in the event of any one occurrence to SDR 500,000 (§ 24). For storage, the total liability is limited to SDR 500,000 for damage occurring in the same occasion (§ 25). Special attention is directed to the network clause (§ 2); claims against the freight forwarder are statute-barred after one year (§ 28); and the lien on goods (§ 14) applies to both current and previous claims. Click here and you will get the full wording
Bendix Transport Danmark A/S
Jernholmen 39
DK-2650 Hvidovre
Telefon 36 772244
Telefax 36 771502
Reg.No. 18 23 61 33
Bendix Transport Danmark A/S
Europavej 40, Taulov
DK-7000 Fredericia
Telefon 75 564444
Telefax 75 564400
Reg.No. 18 23 61 33
To support the environment we ask you kindly to receive your invoice as PDF via E-mail. Please send your Invoice E-Mail-address to
UK-Invoice to us also to be sent to
Thank you in advance.
To all of you from all of us the very best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year.
And not only at Christmas but throughout the year the the joy that we give to others is joy that comes back to ourselves.